God Provides! Great Highschool option for your teen in KC!

God is so good! We have been truly blessed with a great high school option for our children in Kansas City. After months of prayers and discerning, we chose to send our oldest to a brand new catholic school that opened up just in time for her!  

St.Catherine's Academy is a perfect fit for families who are looking for a classical education for their children.  

It is a girl's only school, which we appreciate much after reading books by Dr.Leonard Sax on the great benefits of separated sexes in learning.  They also have a boys only school at the same location, St.Athanasius Academy making it easy next year when my son joins the school!  It's so amazing to not have to drive them to two different schools and get the benefit of separated learning.  

The classical education allows for very little to no use of the screens in learning.  Even our grade school has increased the use of technology in learning post covid.  We have not been happy with it since children are so easily distracted and struggle with focus when put in front of screens.  Teachers and books should never be replaced by technology.  Using a pen or pencil is so much better for memorization than learning on a computer.  As computer engineers, we are with most of IT leaders who develop amazing tech but won't send their kids to schools that use technology. They understand the value of classical education being better for the brain.  

We also love that the high school is in collegiate format, meaning my daughter is home more with us.  She has school 2 to 3 days a week.  The amazing staff does the hard work of teaching and assigning work for the days she's away from school.  This format has been great for developing executive function and better prepares for college.  But the best part is less driving and being home with the family more.  It also allows for motivation to finish work quickly to pursue other interests.  Now that we have experienced this format, there is no going back to 5 days a week high school for our family! :)

We love how affordable the school is for families like us that are large and on one income.  Teacher to student ratio has also been great at the school for increased attention to the children and learning.  The teachers are intentional about their faith and the teens get to go to mass every day they attend school.  My daughter also loves the community and ample time to socialize with peers that's built in to their day.  I hope that more families like us find St.Catherine's and St.Athanasius beneficial for their teens like we have with ours. 


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